Category Archives: english


Ashot — Rafo pls come,

Rafo- Hi can i help u?

Ashot- Do u want buy this hoodie?

Rafo- Yes but i want black color

Ashot- Deal! wait 1 min

Rafo- okay!

Ashot — What size do u wear?

Rafo- I want M size

Ashot — Deal, wait 30 sec.

Rafo- okay.

Ashot — How would u like to pay

Rafo- my cart.

Ashot — 39.99 please.

Ashot — thanks for supporting, see u later.

Անգլերենի հաշվետվություն

Hello everyone, my name is Ashot, during this academic semester I learned a lot, it was very interesting, the most interesting lessons for me were English and Russian, during this semester I managed to go on trips, once for 3 days to Lake Sevan, and once to one day with the English teacher, was very interesting I hope the next semester will be even more interesting.